Classic Movie Musicals Part 2.

Back into the swing of things, literally.


Anyhow! I know I’ve been away, but life tends to interrupt you like that doesn’t it? Aw well, lets keep going.

Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers were the definitive dancing couple, and still are for many today. The Band Wagon, while great, was when Fred was a bit older. Here, in Swing Time, he’s in his prime and it definitely shows. Ginger is, as always, lovely. They really do make a remarkable dancing duo.

When talking of choreography, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers immediately comes to mind. Watching 7 rough and tumble pioneer men turn into skilled dancers is both amusing and entertaining. The spirit of Americana, the colors, the music, and of course the dancing itself was always what appealed me to this film.

Though I always dreamed of being Cyd Charisse, I related more to Barbara Streisand in Funny Girl. Sure, I didn’t become a Ziegfield Folly, but everything up to the point mirrored my life more accurately. Always being the girl with the sense of humor and not the glamorous one. In this scene from the film, Barbara is able to display pretty much every single talent she has in one shot.

Published in: on July 6, 2010 at 2:45 PM  Comments (1)  
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