Independence Day: Get patriotic with these films

For my American friends, it is officially the 4th of July, the day we celebrate our independence. I find that nothing makes me feel more patriotic then a good classic film. Can’t decide what you should watch to get in the mood? Well, that’s why I’m here!

Mr.Smith Goes To Washington

The story of a small-time hero who fights a corrupt government. This movie is incredibly inspirational, and James Stewart is simply amazing as a bumbling fool who finds his stance and gives it everything he has. In moments of his intense speeches, you are completely riveted and rooting for him. A true underdog overcoming tale.

Yankee Doodle Dandy

Nothing says America like a good old-fashioned musical (or maybe that’s just me?) James Cagney was more so known for his roles as gangsters, but he does well as a “song and dance man” in this biographical musical about George M. Cohan, the man behind the song “Yankee Doodle Boy”.

Young Mr.Lincoln

A more fictional account of the early life of Lincoln, during his days as a lawyer. Nonetheless, a very patriotic film.

Happy 4th!

Published in: on July 5, 2009 at 12:31 AM  Leave a Comment  
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